It all started that day I had to go to town, I was ready to use that truck to get out got a while. So, with Lucy behind me, ( knowing I wasn't going to be gone long.) Her and I were off for one of my journey's .
Ah, how the ride felt, the wind in the face, all the truck windows open, and the ride was lovely, My rides into town are always the same. The road, the country side , yet I never get bored, the open fields ,the smells and sounds are just so grand, This is what I had always dreamt of. Turning onto the road that would take us into the square , of which you would pass the famous Minnie Pearl statue . Stll heading for that Save- a-lot store. Finally there, the store seemed to be full . Out I got , while Lucy stayed behind . Once in the store , there wasn't much I had to really get , it wasn't like I was shopping for the month , just milk and soda. I returned to see poor Lucy panting, and with her eyes fixed on me, in I get, put the key in, and nothing, the sound is that its not getting something to kick it over, the battery is good, I mean I would have heard nothing if that was the case. Now the prayers, I start praying , almost begging that God would turn over the enegine so Lucy and I can just make it home. As I give it one more turn , I start looking about the parking lot, at each and every person, some old , young and they came and go leaving me .Not noticing me ,so I think. I give it another try by now it is obeviouse that we aren't going anyway. I start looking for a pay phone, Do you realize since the cell phones , there isn't one pay phone to be had. Now what am I going to do? and besides what Is my husband going to do? This is the only vehical we own, and he's home and I am miles away from our house. walking wouldn't be just around the corner. So, back into the store I go. I ask the one of the cashiers if she might know where a pay phone would be that I could use to call home. She turns to one of the other ladies there to ask her. In all. they would end up letting me use the store phone to call home.
Ah, how the ride felt, the wind in the face, all the truck windows open, and the ride was lovely, My rides into town are always the same. The road, the country side , yet I never get bored, the open fields ,the smells and sounds are just so grand, This is what I had always dreamt of. Turning onto the road that would take us into the square , of which you would pass the famous Minnie Pearl statue . Stll heading for that Save- a-lot store. Finally there, the store seemed to be full . Out I got , while Lucy stayed behind . Once in the store , there wasn't much I had to really get , it wasn't like I was shopping for the month , just milk and soda. I returned to see poor Lucy panting, and with her eyes fixed on me, in I get, put the key in, and nothing, the sound is that its not getting something to kick it over, the battery is good, I mean I would have heard nothing if that was the case. Now the prayers, I start praying , almost begging that God would turn over the enegine so Lucy and I can just make it home. As I give it one more turn , I start looking about the parking lot, at each and every person, some old , young and they came and go leaving me .Not noticing me ,so I think. I give it another try by now it is obeviouse that we aren't going anyway. I start looking for a pay phone, Do you realize since the cell phones , there isn't one pay phone to be had. Now what am I going to do? and besides what Is my husband going to do? This is the only vehical we own, and he's home and I am miles away from our house. walking wouldn't be just around the corner. So, back into the store I go. I ask the one of the cashiers if she might know where a pay phone would be that I could use to call home. She turns to one of the other ladies there to ask her. In all. they would end up letting me use the store phone to call home.
Dealing , ringing, The husband is on the computer. we had just gone from DSL to dail up for the computer., I can't reach him. Yet I knew , that if I got him , what could he have done? Just maybe tell me what to do, where to go. Should I walk to his friends house. ( Jim) or where ?
So, I walk back to the truck where Lucy and the few items I bought wait for me. Once again I start my prayers, to even begging for this time the truck would turn over and I would be able to get it home. Behind the wheel I sat. putting the key in, telling Lucy to hope this would be the time it would finally give us what we needed to get home. It didn't. again start to look over the people coming and going into the parking lot, wonding who would give of thier time and help. Not once getting up and taking the effort to ask. I tried the key again. Finally, a nice caring man stopped and asked if I needed help. Here it was the answer to my prayer. Sure it wasn't that truck had started, but that I was getting help. This man had been taking his mother round, doing her errands. Doctor , shopping . He got out. started to look under the hood , tapped on this or that, opened a cap from one thing to another. And still tha truck wouldn't start. He would tell me , he believe it was the fuel pump, the enegine wasn't getting any gas. With that, He asked if he could take me home. I said yes, and asked if he didn't mind taking my dog with me. For I had just given her a bath that day. His mother said sure. with a smile and in the back seat I sat with Lucy. I was so grateful for these lovely people. I never thought twice about getting in the car with them, or that they were black. I never saw color nor fear that they would do anything to me. I asked if they were taking me out of thier way, they said no. I wonder how much of that was true . I ended up talking so much that I never got thier name nor did I tell them mine. They pulled up in the drive and lot me and Lucy out. I would wonder later if I should have offered them to come in to my house or evern to drive me up into the drive anymorethen where they had let me out . I just felt I had already took to much of their kindness and didn't want to impose anymore. Lucy and I were home. So was the milk and soda. Now it would be how was it we were going to get back to the truck,. With no family here. we would have to find someone. And we did. My husband's friend Jim. This man would prove to be a angel with wings, and a forgiven one at that.
It was in this moment that I had realized that moving so far away , with no family to call apon. I would find the family of God. People I didn't know giving me a hand at a time I only saw desiper. For all those prayers of wanting the truck to start , I ended up getting the next best thing. For God did answer. I am so grateful for everything in my life. And I do trust that I will get what I need when God sees to when and how I shall get it.